Best PDF Editor for macOS 10.14 - PDFelement for Mac Now that you have learned how to set up and customize Stacks in OS 10.14, your next task is to familiarize yourself with PDFelement for Mac. Because it is the best free desktop PDF Editor for macOS 10.14.
Problem: Convert to PDF failed due to Apple Event restrictions in macOS Mojave 10.14
When Acrobat tries to access other apps on macOS Mojave 10.14, an authorization dialog box appears asking users to allow access or control to the app.
Best Pdf Converter For Mac
Similarly, when an app tries to use Acrobat, an authorization dialog box appears asking users to allow control over Acrobat.
All the features or workflows related to the conversion of Microsoft Office files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) to PDF from Acrobat app throw the authorization dialog at the first instance of the conversion:
- Create PDF from the File menu
- Create PDF tools (create single PDF or multiple PDFs)
- Combine PDFs involving Microsoft Office files*
- Create PDF using Action wizard tool
- Create a PDF form using the Prepare Form tool
- Convert Microsoft Office files in PDF Portfolio from Acrobat app
- Create PDF from Adobe Acrobat extension for Firefox
In the authorization dialog box, click OK to allow control or access. Once you do this, the dialog box doesn’t appear for the same app next time.
Best Pdf Converter Mac
If you click Don’t Allow or Not Now, the feature or the workflow fails, and all future conversions will also fail unless the corresponding security setting is changed.
To change the security setting, do the following:
Best Pdf Converter For Macos 10.14 Windows 10
Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy, and then choose Automation on the Privacy tab
In the right panel, under Adobe Acrobat, select the check boxes for the applications to which you want to allow access or control.
If you use Firefox to convert web pages to PDFs, select the Adobe Acrobat check box under Firefox.
Restart Acrobat, and then use the Create PDF workflow.
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Updated on Oct 28, 2018
Want to make updates to PDF files but the original is not at hand? Though Adobe’s Acrobat DC allows users to edit PDF files without the source PDF, they will need to subscribe at least annual commitment of subscription. Is there other ways to edit PDF files? Yes. There is lots of free software that enables you to edit PDF files. However, these free options will come with many limitations, like you cannot delete texts in PDF, the font size is different with the original texts, you cannot change images and other problems. If you want an effective and affordable way to edit PDF on macOS 10.12 Sierra, 10.13 High Sierra, 10.14 Mojave, you’ve come the right place.