Configure Perl For Macos

    • Installations from the source code are generally recommended overthe pre-compiled binaries to avoid any potential portability issues.Note also that source code builds are required for users who wish toload local models in Xspec or use the Xspec Python interface (PyXspec).

    • Prerequisite packages:
      In order to build HEASoft from the source code distribution, you willneed some additional software:
      • X11: We recommendXQuartz but X11 is alsoavailable via the various Mac package managers.

      • Apple XCode:We typically recommend using the Apple-supplied XCode compilers(clang [gcc], clang++ [g++], perl,python) though it is now possible to use other (third-party)C compilers and interpreters. Just please be aware that mixing compilersand interpreters from different sources can sometimes lead to problems.To make sure the XCode compilers are available, you should installthe Command Line Tools using this command:
      • A Fortran compiler. Multiple options are available viaMac package managers such as those listed below. Before choosing andinstalling one, please note that there are currently problems with theximage package in HEASoft when built using the XCode C compilerspaired with gfortran 8.x, as described on ourissues page.

          Use the entire gcc@8 (or gcc@9) package:

          Or, use the XCode C compilers + gfortran 7.x (from the gcc@7 port):

          Please note that users of macOS 10.14 and older may experienceproblems with MacPorts compilers after updating to XCode 11.x. See ourissues page for more information.
          We currently recommend one of the following options:

          XCode compilers + gfortran 7.x (from the gcc7 port):

          Or, use the entire gcc8 (or gcc9) package:If you use MacPorts, please refer to theMacPorts Migration pagewhen updating your OS to avoid portability issues.

          As with the options above, if using the newer 8.x compilers, youshould use the entire suite (i.e. not just gfortran) in order to avoid arun-time problem with ximage.

 provides Apple-style installers for gfortran.As noted above, be aware that use of the gfortran 8.x compiler paired withthe Apple XCode compilers may result in run-time problems in ximage.
          Note also that to install new versions of this compiler, it is recommendedthat you remove the previous gfortran installation first, as noted here:

    • Building the software:
      After installing the prerequisite packages above, most users shouldjust follow the basic GNU-like build procedure outlined in theHEASoft installation guide, i.e.:
      First, make sure that the configure script will choose the correct set of compatible compilers for the build (and note that a Python interpreter is only required if you plan to use PyXspec):Your Fortran compiler will live elsewhere, so for example: And as noted above in the Fortran section, when using gfortran 8.x, you should also use its matching C compilers (instead of the Apple XCode clang/clang++), for example: Users should also make sure that /usr/bin is ahead of /opt/local/bin in their PATH in order to avoid picking up a MacPorts assembler (as) that can cause configure errors ('I don't understand 'm' flag!'): Next:Note that it is a good idea to capture the output from these stepsin the manner appropriate for your shell, for example:Note that you should let each step finish before proceeding to thenext. The installation guide containsdescriptions of optional configuration flags that more advancedusers may wish to utilize.

      Please also note that the compiler settings described above will NOTpass to a sudo shell, so if you want to install HEASoft in alocation which requires su write privileges, we recommend that youconfigure and build the software in a location writeable by you, andonly when doing the final install step should you use sudo.Here is an example in which a user has acquired the source code tarfile and it is sitting in their Downloads/ directory; they then unpack,configure and build the HEASoft source code in their home directory andthen install under /usr/local/heasoft-6.27:

    • Initialization:
      To initialize the software, do the following:In the examples above, (PLATFORM) is a placeholder for the platform-specific string denoting your machine's architecture, for example:

    • Note that users who wish to load local models in Xspec or use theXspec Python interface (PyXspec) must install HEASoft from thesource code distribution instead of the pre-compiled binaries.

    • Prerequisite packages:
      When using the pre-compiled HEASoft binaries, users will needa copy of X11 in order to use any of the graphical tasks:
      • X11: We recommendXQuartz but X11 is alsoavailable via the various Mac package managers.

      • Apple XCode:To make sure the necessary XCode utilities (perl andinstall_name_tool) are installed, you should install theCommand Line Tools using this command:
    • Configuring the software:
      After installing the above packages, most users should justfollow the basic binary installation procedure outlined in theHEASoft installation guide, i.e.:If the configure script yields a message about a 'Perl mismatch',you will either need to install HEASoft from the source code distribution,or install a version of Perl which matches that listed for your platformin our Perl reference. On Macs, most usersshould be able to

    • Initialization:
      To initialize the software, do the following:In the examples above, (PLATFORM) is a placeholder for the platform-specific string denoting your machine's architecture, for example:


    If FTOOLS has been useful in your research, please reference thissite ( and use the ASCL reference for HEASoft[ascl:1408.004] or theASCL reference for the original FTOOLs paper[ascl:9912.002]:

    Blackburn, J. K. 1995, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 77, AstronomicalData Analysis Software and Systems IV, ed. R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne,and J. J. E. Hayes (San Francisco: ASP), 367.

    Web page maintained by:Bryan K. Irby

    HEASARC Home | Observatories | Archive | Calibration | Software | Tools | Students/Teachers/Public

    Configure Perl For Macos Windows 10

    ForConfigure Perl For Macos
    • ActiveState Perl ActiveState offers both a free community version and a commercially supported binary distribution of Perl for Win32 and Perl for Win64. Download ActivePerl. Strawberry Perl: A 100% Open Source Perl for Windows that is exactly the same as Perl everywhere else; this includes using modules from CPAN, without the need for binary packages.
    • $ sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Name' or $ sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Module::Name' This will install the module and its dependencies. Again, don’t forget the sudo. The first time you run this after upgrading CPAN, it may prompt you to configure again (see Step 2).

    Configure Perl For Macos Version

    Configure Perl For Macos Download

    Sep 20, 2017 This User Tip only contains instructions for configuring the Apache server, PHP module, and Perl module. I have another User Tip for installing and configuring MySQL and email servers. Note: This user tip is specific to MacOS X 10.6 “Snow Leopard”.