Macos Mojave Theme For Kde

McMojave KDE Theme. McMojave kde is a MacOSX Mojave like theme for KDE Plasma desktop. In this repository you'll find: Aurorae Themes; Kvantum Themes. MacOS Mojave (/ m oʊ ˈ h ɑː v i, m ə-/ mo-HAH-vee) (version 10.14) is the fifteenth major release of macOS, Apple Inc.' S desktop operating system for Macintosh computers. Mojave was announced at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference on June 4, 2018, and was released to the public on September 24, 2018. The operating system's name refers to the Mojave Desert and is part of a series of. Aug 29, 2019  How to Install MacOS Mojave: Download Guide And Installation; Dark theme on macOS Mojave: how to activate it, put it on and enable it. Today we will talk again about MacOS Mojave, but we will see how to activate and enable Dark Mode (dark theme) on this operating system, one of the main innovations introduced by Apple with this important update.

We can make Plasma desktop to look like macOS. This tutorial uses Mojave-CT Theme Pack (including Aurorae, Plasma, Kvantum, and icon themes) as the I explain here the requirements and step by step instructions to configure everything. It is surprisingly easy, the steps are very clear, but it takes a bit long time to finish them all.
(Plasma desktop 5.15 on GNU/Linux with Mojave-CT Theme Pack)
I hope this tutorial helps everybody to begin desktop customization hobby on GNU/Linux in general and KDE Plasma in particular. Have fun customizing!
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Read also all about KDE: Plasma Oxygen | neon Review | neon for Designers | Plasma 5.11 Review

Result Talks First

Yes, we will achieve final result like these.
(Basic look with top global menu panel, bottom dynamic dock, icons on desktop, and translucent metallic window)

(Bottom dock can be set to autohide)

(Basic look of Dolphin File Manager in this theming scheme)
(Notice the opaque window without any translucency)

(Basic look of Okular PDF Viewer in this theming scheme)
(Notice the black apple logo on top-left, you can add it later by adding Application Menu widget)


This tutorial is based on KDE Plasma 5, neon operating system 5.15.1, which in turn based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. However, you can practice this tutorial as long as you can have these:
  • Top panel, bottom dock
  • Additional Programs: Kvantum Engine
  • Additional widgets: Applet Window Buttons
  • Icon theme: Mojave CT Icons
  • Plasma theme: Mojave CT Plasma Theme
  • Kvantum theme: movaje CT Kvantum Theme
  • Aurorae theme: movaje CT Aurorae Theme
  • Cursor theme: OSX El Capitan cursor theme

A. Install Kvantum Engine

What you will do is to install Kvantum Manager program. It is a simple GUI to control many aspects of Qt toolkits.
First, install all required packages:
Second, download the Kvantum package (.zip) from Tsujan's GitHub and extract it to your Downloads directory. You will get a new directory name Kvantum-master.
Third, enter the Kvantum-master directory and perform all these command lines one by one:
Final messages showing if you successfully installed it are two lines:
Finally, go to start menu and find Kvantum Manager.

B. Install 'Applet Window Button' Widget

The 'AWB' is needed to show control buttons on top panel when a window is maximized. Download AWB at and extract it and you get a directory named applet-window-buttons-0.3. You will find in it a file named but don't touch it before doing these.
First, install all required packages:
Second, enter the extracted directory and do all commands below one by one:
If everything is OK, the last success messages will be:
Finally, you will find the widget named 'Window Buttons' on your widget selector.

1. Add Global menu, top panel

Create one top panel as Application Menu Panel. This will give you basic global menu panel.

Add System Tray widget onto it.
Add Digital Clock widget as well.
Add FindMac widget on the most right.

2. Add dock, bottom panel

Delete default bottom panel and create a new one, shorter in length, centered in position. Put some application icons + add Icons-Only Task Manager widget.

3. Get rid of all obstacles

First obstacle is the hamburger button thing on one of corners. Its name is desktop toolbox. Hide it. Right-click on desktop > Configure Desktop > Tweaks > uncheck desktop toolbox option > OK.
Second obstacle is the hot corner, when you push your pointer to an edge of screen suddenly all active windows got previewed in one screen. Disable it. Go to System Settings > Desktop Behavior > Screen Edges > click the enabled corner > select No Action > OK.

4. Desktop theme ('Plasma Theme')

Next, we need a Plasma Theme called 'Mojave CT Plasma Theme'. Download it from, and open it by clicking 'Install From File' button from System Settings > Workspace Theme > Plasma Theme. Enable it by selecting Mojave-CT and click OK.

5. Window decoration ('Aurorae Theme')

Next, we need window decoration theme called Mojave-CT Aurorae Theme. Download it from This window decoration theme is classified as 'Aurorae Theme' as it uses Aurorae engine built-in KDE Plasma. Extract the .tar.gz file, and copy the folder into ~/.local/share/aurorae/themes/. Enable Mojave CT from System Settings > Application Style > Window Decorations.
Set the size to Normal.

6. Icon theme

Next, we mostly need icon theme that looks like macOS. As we use macOS Mojave version as model here, then download the Mojave-CT Icon Theme from here Extract the .tar.gz file, and copy the folder into ~/.local/share/icons/. Enable MacOs-sierra-CT from System Settings > Icons.

7. Kvantum Theme ('Widget Style Theme')

This is the most crucial part: we need to enable Mojave-CT Kvantum Theme to make all user interface toolkits look like macOS and translucent. The theme in question is Mojave-CT Kvantum Theme, download it from Extract it, and you get a directory named Mojavemojave.
First, go to start menu > run Kvantum Manager > install theme > point it up to the extracted mojave directory > OK.
Second, still on Kvantum Manager, see Change Theme > select a theme > select mojave > select again MojaveLight > click use this theme.

Third, still on Kvantum Manager, see Configure Active Theme > see Compositing ... > and give about 30% and 30% for both Reduce window/menu opacity > Save. Close Kvantum Manager window.
Fourth, now go to System Settings > Application Style > Widget Style > set Widget style: to be kvantum and Apply.
Fifth, still on the Widget Style window, see Fine Tuning > set all options to No Text

Macos Mojave Theme For Kde Free

> Apply.
Up to this point, you should see your window being translucent like this:

8. macOS wallpaper

You can download many wallpapers from sources like 512pixels or OSwallpapers. Load the wallpaper from right-click on desktop > Configure Desktop > Add Image > select a wallpaper file or more > enable it. You see below as example I enabled Mac OS X Leopard version wallpaper.

9. Control Buttons on Left

Fortunately, Plasma is a very customizable desktop. Go to System Settings > Application Style > Windows Decorations > Buttons. There, you can easily rearrange your window outer frame components arrangement, including, position of the control buttons (close, maximize, minimize). Simply drag-and-drop them from right to the left position. Drag other icons to bottom to hide them.

Macos Mojave Theme For Kde 10

10. Window Title Applet, Top Panel

Next, we need to show app name on global menu. To achieve this, we need Window Title Applet. Open the widget selection menu > find Window Title Applet > drag and drop it onto top panel. Try to run Dolphin and see if its app name 'Dolphin' looks right before the global menu. Try to run Gwenview or other applications to see whether the same app name shows correctly. I found good configuration like below:
  • - Icon: checked, show when available
  • - Font: bold
  • - Length: unchecked, fill available space
  • - Maximum: more or less 1000px
  • - Spacing: 10px
  • - Left & right margin: 10px
Don't forget to add Spacer Macos Mojave Theme For Kdeafter the global menu widget so it won't 'run' too far away from Window Title Applet.

Bonus! Alternatively, if you don't like this widget, you can use instead Application Title widget. It's without app icon and somewhat simpler.

11. Window Buttons Applet, Top Panel

Up to this point, when you maximize a window, the controls are still on the window's title bar and not joined onto top panel's global menu. It takes up more vertical space.
To join controls onto global menu, you add Window Buttons Applet onto it. I found good configuration like below:
  • Decoration: Mojave-CT
  • Show: is maximized
  • Environment: checked, Disable borders...
  • Metrics: checked, Use from decoration...
  • Left margin: please test it up yourself

After setting it up right away, you need to re-login to see the correct result.

12. Finish It All

You may need some trials and errors up to this point so finally you can have desktop in full Mojave-CT style. Notice the icons on the toolbar now are 'icons-only' and not with text.

Closing Words

That's all. This tutorial is not perfect and I open the empty spaces for you to add and explore more. You can adjust, modify, reduce everything you like from this tutorial. I hope you find this tutorial fun and exciting. I hope this helps everybody especially in using Kvantum Manager on GNU/Linux. See you next time. Enjoy!
This article is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

A new GTK theme brings the luscious look of macOS Mojave to the Linux desktop.

Not that you should be surprised; we’ve written before about how easy it is to make Ubuntu look like a Mac.

But thanks to this new macOS Mojave inspired GTK theme that fact is truer, and more faithful, than ever.

macOS Dark Theme for Linux

Apple unveiled macOS Mojave at its WWDC 2018 event earlier this month. The OS upgrade features a stack of changes, among them a new system-wide dark theme.

Mac Os Theme For Kde

Major innovation, right?

In our post looking at macOS Mojave features already available on Linux we mentioned that support for system-wide dark themes is something Linux has had for, like, forever.

Now, with the release of the “Mc-OS-MJV” GTK3 theme, the look is available on Ubuntu and other Linux distros.


Okay, elephant in the room time.

Fact #1: not everyone “likes” the fact some people who use Linux distros theme them to look like another operating system.

Macos Mojave Theme For Kde 2

I say each to their own; the flexibility of Linux is such that people can make their desktop look as crazy cool or as crazy stupid as they like (though I’ll let you decide where macOS themes fall in that).

Fact #2: people running macOS and Windows 10 have a hard time trying to make their system look like anything else, let alone mimic a different OS.

The look of Apple’s operating system isn’t exactly terrible, either.

MacOS Mojave GTK Theme

Launched on GNOME Look this week, the new “Mc-OS-Mjv” GTK theme is the work of prolific theme creator, “PaulXFCE“.

We’ve featured some of his other themes on this site before, including Ambiance-RW (so good that Ubuntu devs borrowed ideas from it for the official Ambiance theme) and the “so-bad-it’s-sort-of-good” Arrongin.

Of his latest creation he says (all sic): “These are high end and thorougly developed GTK-themes for the gnome desktop (3.20+ through 3.28) that interpretes the Mac Os themes to the gnome-environment.”

“I’ve modernized it in every little detail. There is nothing (not a single item) that is not new. Resulting in a completely rewritten GTK.CSS-file.”

Because it’s the dark theme in macOS Mojave that has Mac enthusiasts its the one I’ve chosen to use screenshots of in this post. A standard light version is also available.

He’s Made Other macOS GTK Themes, too

Not a fan of the Mojave changes? Paul’s “interpretations” of macOS High Sierra and macOS Yosemite are still available to download, as is a theme based on the (now older) dark themes used in Apple’s Logic and Garageband software.

Download Dark macOS Mojave GTK Theme

You can find all of PaulXFCE’s Mac OS themes over on GitHub as well as on GNOME-Look.

For the darkly brilliant Mojave inspired clone be sure to download the “mc-os-mjv dark mode” package.

  1. Download the theme from GNOME-Look
  2. Extract the archive file to the ~/.themes/ directory in your Home folder
  3. Change GTK theme using the GNOME Tweaks tool

That’s it!

It should go without saying (but I’ll sat it anyone to bump up the word count) that these themes are not endorsed by Apple, etc. Each time someone uses a macOS theme on Linux Tim Cook’s hair turns greyer.

Thanks Sergio