Terminal Command For Selecting Current User Macos

Mar 21, 2018 How to open Terminal on Mac. The Terminal app is in the Utilities folder in Applications. To open it, either open your Applications folder, then open Utilities and double-click on Terminal, or press Command - spacebar to launch Spotlight and type 'Terminal,' then double-click the search result. Jul 27, 2015 Security issues. One strong caveat is that the terminal, by default, will save commands to /.bashhistory in plain text, so you're essentially storing a user's password in plain text, unless you temporarily disable bash history or later go into the /.bashhistory file with a text editor (like nano) and delete the offending lines manually.

If you’re working in Terminal on your Mac, you need to know the most important UNIX commands: those that work with directories, those that work with files, and miscellaneous but commonly used commands.

Folders are called directories in UNIX. Commands that refer to filenames, as most do, assume that you’re talking about files in the working directory. When you open the Terminal window, the working directory is set to your home directory, abbreviated ~. Bash shows you the current working directory and your username to the left of its prompt. The following table lists common directory-related commands.

UNIX Directory Commands
CommandWhat It Does
lsLists the names of the files in the working directory. For more
complete information, use ls –alF (.
cd directorynameChanges the working directory to the one you named.
cd .Brings you up one directory level.
cdReturns you to your home directory.
pwdDisplays the pathname of the current directory.
mkdir newdirectorynameMakes a new directory.
rmdir directorynameRemoves (deletes) an empty directory.

As in Windows, you can redirect the output of a command to a text file. So if you want a record of the files in a folder, type cd, followed by a space, drag the folder’s icon to the Terminal window, and press Return. Type ls > mydirectorylist.txt and press Return again. A file named mydirectorylist.txt will appear in the folder you chose. You can open the file in TextEdit to see a list of the files in that directory.

This table lists commands commonly used when working with files in the Terminal window.

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Terminal Command For Selecting Current User Macos Pdf

Working with Files
CommandWhat It Does
cp filename1 filename2Copies a file.
chmodChanges permissions for access to a file. Study the man page
before using this one.
diffCompares two files line by line (assumes text).
more filenameDisplays a text file one page at a time. Press the spacebar to
see the next page; press Q to quit. The man command works through
mv filename1 filename2Moves a file or changes its name.
rm filenameRemoves (deletes) a file.

This last table explains other handy commands that anyone getting started in Terminal will likely want to know.

Miscellaneous Commands
CommandWhat It Does
Control+CTerminates most operations.
dateDisplays the current date and time.
echoRepeats whatever appears after the command (after
helpDisplays a partial list of bash commands.
historyDisplays the last commands you typed. You can redo a command by
typing an exclamation point (!) followed immediately (no space) by
the number of that command in the history list. To repeat the last
command, type !!. To repeat the last filename, type
picoA simple UNIX text editor.
psDisplays a list of running processes.
sudoLets you carry out commands for which the account you are using
lacks authority. You will be asked for an administrator’s

When you’re working in Terminal, you don’t have a Trash Can to which deleted files are moved pending ultimate disposal. Delete it, and it’s gone. In general, UNIX has no Undo function.

Managing Users in macOS can be a bit challenging, but it can be done if we understand the steps involved. Unlike traditional UNIX systems, Mac OSX and macOS do not keep all users in the /etc/passwd system. Only system accounts are kept there.

Macos Command Line Tool

In macOS we use dscl or the Directory Service Command Line utility to manipulate user accounts. In this example, we will walk through creating a completely new user, setting their details, adding them to the 'admin' group (giving them the ability to use sudo to manage the system), and setting their password.

First the full example, then we will break it down:

That's decently self explanatory. But we will go line by line and explain what is happening.

First, we create the user 'container' for the account:

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Next, we set the user's shell. We use bash in this example. The macOS default is /bin/tcsh and the most recommended shell is /bin/zsh.


Next, we set the actual name of the account user.

Terminal Command For Selecting Current User Macos Download

Then we set the unique user ID (uid) for the user. As is typical with UNIX systems, we generally start with 500 for the first user and increment. macOS starts with 501. You will often look up the existing users to see what is available before doing this.

Then we set the primary group ID (gid). It is customary for a normal user to have their own group that matches the ID of their user ID. But this is only a recent tradition and this is actually a very customizable field.

Macos Terminal Admin

Next we set a home directory for the user. The name of this field can be confusing as it clearly mentions NFS but we do not use NFS here. This is a vestige of this tool having come from an LDAP background.

Then we have our final required step to set up a working user, setting their password:

Our final step that we will show here is optional and only used for accounts that need membership in another group. The most common one would be the admin group which allows access to sudo so that administrative actions can be taken.